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Why Canada ?

Hosting nearly half a million international students, Canada is known to offer high quality education at affordable tuition fee with degrees that are globally recognised. Add to it, an excellent quality of life, immense post-study work and immigration opportunities - Canada stands out as a popular country to study among Indian students.


We Help You To Locate Canada

Canada is a vast and rugged land. From north to south it spans more than half the Northern Hemisphere. From east to west it stretches almost 4,700 miles (7,560 kilometers) across six time zones. It is the second largest country in the world, but it has only one-half of one percent of the world's population.

10 provinces and 3 territories. Capital : OttaWa Poppulation : 3.8 crores
  • Canada has land borders with United States of America and so British Columbia is the logistics hub of US.
  • Canada is the 2nd largest country
  • Capital is Ottawa
  • 3 rd largest education system.
  • Warm welcome to International students
  • Easy to get PR
  • Can do part time – 20 hours per week and 4 months full vacassion
  • Part time wage per hour- 14 CAD to upto 18 CAD (Depends on category of work)
  • For 12th students: Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Bachelors
  • For Degree completed: Pg. Diploma, Graduate Diploma, Masters
  • Main programs includes:
  • Mechanical.
  • Electrical and Communications
  • Civil Engineering
  • IT – Software, Programming, Networking etc
  • International Business – All streams (Accounting, Finance, Logistics, Marketing, Sales, Hr. etc.)
    Main Intakes
  • September
  • Jan
  • May
    1 year course -1 year stay back

    2 year course- 3 year stay back